Thursday, June 21, 2007

Skill testing question: Do any readers out there know on what day (date) Moshe Dayan gave back administrative control of the Temple Mount, after the Six Day War in 1967? I'm interested on what day after the June 10, 1967 Israel victory, did Dayan officially do this?

I haven't been able to find this on the web, so a big thanks to anyone who can help me on this. (please leave a comment below) God bless!

Lastly, just in case there's anyone out there who thinks the US "war on terror" is winnable and that we're all going to live in peace with Islamists (as the media calls them) in the near future - this video is for you:

Death for the sake of Allah

I especially like the part where the kindergarteners shout: "What is your most lofty goal?" and they shout back: "Death for the sake of Allah!"
Those crazy kids. (??!!?!!!)


Anonymous said...


I'm not sure how accurate this is but it certainly falls in the correct time range.

Temple Mount Organization says it was Saturday 17 June 1967 that Dayan returned control of Temple Mount

Scroll down to heading:

The Temple Mount Restored to Muslim Control

to read more.


Anonymous said...

Here is one that is in agreement with the previous link. It is from Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From Israeli MFA

Type June 17, 1967 Temple into Google and there are a few hits.


Endtime said...

Thanks jG that's great information! I didn't expect an answer back THAT FAST.

Have a great day...or night - depending on where you are :)