Saturday, June 23, 2007

Eight more US troops killed on a bloody day in Iraq
Iran: We'll launch nuclear plant in Oct.


Olmert intends to recognize Abbas regime, release terrorists, pay it $400M By Israel Insider staff June 23, 2007

US State Department: Anyone with a deathwish need apply (please, oh please apply):

US struggling to staff new Baghdad embassy

"When the new US embassy in Baghdad opens later this summer it will be one of the more noticeable achievements of the war.

Architect design of new US embassy in Baghdad
Computer image of new US embassy in Baghdad

The £300 million, 27-building complex on the banks of Tigris River will have its own water purification system, fire service, school and housing for more than 380 families.

Located inside the Green Zone, the already highly fortified government compound, it will be a state within a state within a country. The only problem is it may not have enough people.

The US state department is struggling to find diplomats to work at what, despite four protective walls, will still be regarded as the world’s most dangerous location and a severe risk to mental health."

The idealists who decided to throw away US$600 million greenbacks on this Iraqi fortress (read: white elephant) fail to see Iraq for what it actually is: the epicenter of a spiritual war. We're not fighting flesh and blood, we're fighting the revived Lion-Bear-Leopard beast of Daniel 7, Revelation 13, and Revelation 16. But since this fact doesn't fit in with a "LOVE creation:HATE the Creator" worldview, they'll just conveniently ignore it and hope for the best (good luck).

WWIII is on its way. Christ is on His way:

Revelation 16:
And I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs leap from the mouths of the dragon [satan], the beast [the lion-bear-leopard Islamic beast], and the false prophet [Who's the most influential false prophet to 1.3 billion people, and who says Jesus is not God's son, out there? Mohammad]. 14 They are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to all the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great judgment day of God the Almighty. 15 “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.” 16 And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon. [comments in parentheses and bolding are mine]

Forget about a tranquil, peaceful Iraq. Instead prepare your hearts to meet Christ on good terms, His terms, before He returns.


Anonymous said...

Hi Endtime- these are MY tax dollars at work.I pay taxes under protest.


Endtime said...

So do I and I'm not even American. Believe me, America isn't the only country wasting tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Hi Endtime- How are you coming in your study of Dr. Lurie's book? I hope you post your opinions. I wasn't on that train with Dr. Skofield either, but I almost bought a ticket :]I'm glad you're following that track-please let me know where it leads.


Endtime said...

I've finished 75/106th of it so far. The book has some "way-out" ideas that I'm sure you'd get crucified for if you ever brought them to Mr.Rosenberg's blog.

Interestingly Dr.Lurie pointed back in 1989 that 2008 is a year that fits with a possible endpoint of Daniel's 70 weeks. There are long reasons for this of course, but I want to finish the book first before I even touch on them. I might even want to re-read the book because his ideas are very unique, but I love to listen to Messianic Jews in our time of the end. I think God has blessed them with more insight than I have as a Gentile.

Just briefly though, Dr. Lurie states that the holocaust may be the sacrifice and offering mentioned in Daniel 9:27. He talks about the first-person accounts of demonic influences over Hitler and the Nazis, and the fact that they continued to pour resources into exterminating the Jews, even while Hitler started losing on the battlefield against the Allied troops. Lurie asks why Hitler was so obsessed with Jewish extermination that he was willing to commit resources to their continued extermination instead of concentrating on winning the war. Lurie goes into interesting details about the motivations behind Hitler, the demonically inspired swastika, etc. It's a very interesting and though-provoking book. Not sure I buy everything though, but I'll reserve judgment until I get to the end.

I told my wife: it is interesting that back in 1989, Lurie pointed to 2008 and said that was a possible year for 70th year completion. It's interesting that the Middle East seems to be gearing up for a final apocalyptic battle right about then (at the end of Bush's presidency; and Ahmadinejad would also approve of an ethnic cleansing attempt next year as well, I'm sure).

Have a great night, I've got to get my 6 and 8 year olds to bed soon, so I can finish the book. I love a good book, especially one that talks about such an exciting subject.

Anonymous said...

Hi Endtime-thanks for the update on Dr.Lurie's book. I wish I could read it as well. I don't know if I would go along with the Holocaust as being the sacrifice in Dan 9:27,but I do think it is found in Dan. 8:12. I learned that the word Holocaust is taken from the Greek word 'holokaustos' used in the Septuagent in Gen 22:7. It means in the Hebrew-an offering made by fire to the Lord.I got that info from a book called 'Approaches to Auchwitz'.

the 2008 date is interesting. Perry Stone has an article about the rightous generation dying off before Noahs flood. It got me thinking about the 'greatest generation' dying off before the ME blows up.The year I came up with was 2008 as well.

I'm looking forward to more of your thoughts!

your little ones are in my prayers.

My hbby is home- he caught a 421/2" fish so he's happy!