Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1:30pm ET, This just in:

U.S. diplomat says NATO has intercepted Iranian weapons shipments to Taliban

PARIS (AP) - The United States has "irrefutable" evidence that Iran is transferring weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan, with the knowledge of the Iranian government, and NATO has intercepted some of the shipments, a senior U.S. diplomat said Wednesday.

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Thousands of Palestinian security officers loyal to Fatah are under Hamas siege at their last bastion – Gaza City’s presidential compound

We're about to see the earth shake. I hope you have Jesus Christ as your protector. No thing/no one else can save you from what's about to come upon the world. No, I'm not some "nutbar", I'm a CPA who listens to what is written between Genesis and Revelation. Please consider doing the same, when you see the Middle East break out in an all out war! God said it (Ezekiel 38-39); God will fulfill it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Endtime- thanks for the update! My brother invited me to go to Jordan with him to help the Christians there. I think they should come here instead!


choirgirl said...


Good Idea! Stay stateside and bring them here. The whole ME is about to explode.

Although Petra is supposed to be one of the safe houses for Israel....and It's beautiful!

Endtime said...


I wouldn't be going to Jordan any time soon. Isn't that where the Edomites were based?

Isa 34:8 For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, the year when Edom will be paid back for all it did to Israel.
Isa 34:9 The streams of Edom will be filled with burning pitch, and the ground will be covered with fire.
Isa 34:10 This judgment on Edom will never end; the smoke of its burning will rise forever. The land will lie deserted from generation to generation. No one will live there anymore.

That's where the Moabites also were, and God wasn't too fond of them either.

Anonymous said...

Hi Endtime- you're right. I forgot about Jordan/Edom/Moab. Burning pitch-forever! I'm staying home where all there is is the New Madrid faultline to worry about-


Endtime said...

We're in His hands wherever we decide to go.