Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ahmadinejad condemns Israel and the US
ROME -- Shunned by his hosts and targeted by street demonstrations, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday used a U.N. conference to again condemn Israel and the United States as bellicose regimes on the brink of demise.

Ahmadinejad says...

Comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about Israel and the Palestinians.

"People like my comments, because people will save themselves from the imposition of the Zionists. European peoples have suffered the greatest damage from Zionists and today the costs of this false regime, be they political or economic costs, are on Europe's shoulders."
June 3, 2008 (Rome)

"You should know that the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime which has 60 years of plundering, aggression and crimes in its file has reached the end of its work and will soon disappear off the geographical scene."
June 2, 2008 (Tehran)

"We love all nations. We are friends with the Jewish people. There are many Jews living in Iran with security."
Sept. 24, 2007 (Columbia University)

"We inform you that the nations are like an ocean that is welling up, and if a storm begins, the dimensions will not stay limited to Palestine, and you may get hurt."
Oct. 20, 2006 (radio speech)

The Israeli government "does not show mercy even to kids, destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand its . . . plans to assassinate Palestinian figures and keeps thousands of Palestinians in prison."
May 2006 (letter to President Bush)

"Why do you want to force Israel on the holy land of Palestine by killing Muslims?" he asked. "Give a piece of your land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska so the Jews can create their own state."
Dec. 14, 2005 (Tehran)

"They have created a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets."
Dec. 14, 2005 (Tehran)

"Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury."
Oct. 26, 2005 (Tehran)


Dale Moguls I said...

et:re your comments on lst post: the conventional wisdom is that mccain would benefit if there is some sort ofconflagaration.i think that if the u.s. is directly involved and it goes badly, or even not accordin to plan, obama would benefit. that's why i think that bush wants israel to do it (with intel help from us.)

i have read that iran has it's nuclear program underground in hardened bunkers that even the current u.s. technology couldn't get to. if that's so, and israel is to take them out, they would almost have to use nukes.

Dale Moguls I said...

et: i have a lot of questions to ask:

is gog russia? is there supposed to be some sort of 7 yr treaty that isreal signs? is the gog/magog war the same war as armegeddon?

i've been reading that the endtimes are supposed to have some famine and severe economic dislocation -- have you been reading about some of the great depression II undercurrents developing in regards to peak oil and the mortgage meltdown in the u.s.?

Endtime said...

I don't buy the 7-year treaty thing: not since I read The False Prophet by Ellis Skolfield (link is on this blog). Also, if you're interested, if you do a search on my blog on "Gog&Magog" you'll find where I've written before that I think Gog&Magog is the last war. Basically, look at the end of Ezekiel 38 and at Ezekiel 39 - there are verses in there that say Israel will be in complete peace after that war "with no one to bother them" (ie. 39:26).

I have been reading about an economic meltdown. In fact the book I'm reading right now is called: Conquer the Crash by Robert Prechter Jr. It talks about Elliot's Wave which predicts a major economic downturn based on stock market history back to the 18th century. Interesting reading but I hope Christ comes back before things get really nasty - not that we're "entitled" to missing some hard times, we'll see.