Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Armenian Genocide 1915

"The religion of pieces"

What Christians can expect in an Islamic Caliphate. The tribulation has been going on for years.

The Armenian persecution being discussed in the US Congress is about to set northern Iraq on fire...see Isaiah 13 for the future of Iraq/Babylon, just before the Day of the Lord.

US tries to halt Turkey attack


Anonymous said...

Hi endtime- those pictures look like the ones of the HOlocaust camps. No wonder Hitler said that no one said anything about the Armineans, so no one would say anything about the Jews. Thankfully the LORD is now keeping watch over Israel. With Jerusalem on the table, anything can happen. I wake up every morning wondering if this is the day.......


Anonymous said...

Hi Endtime- you okay?


Endtime said...

Yup, I'm OK thanks.

I've been a little busy the last two days. I was out of town at an Anthony Robbins/Richard Branson seminar (of all places-lol)called "The Power Within" (Is that a New Age title or what??). It wasn't my idea to go, my employer signed me up for it. It was interesting/distressing to see what non-Christians pass off for motivation and happiness, though.

It's sad that the secular world looks to these guys for inspiration and meaning. Most of Anthony Robbins speech was about thinking positively, reacting positively to negative situations...and let's jump up and down like an aerobics session, and hug, and massage the shoulders of the perfect stranger next to you. It was really just a: "feel good for the sake of feeling good", kick up the endorphins seminar. Just an occasional "Oprah Winfrey" reference to "seeking God, whoever that is for you, personally".

The whole time at the seminar I was thinking what an advantage a Christian has over these humanists. Only Christ can give true and trustworthy meaning to life. It's not all about having what you want, when you want it in this life. If the people at this seminar would only live for Christ, with the hope of eternal life in the (near) future, it would give them all a peace and happiness they need.

Have a great day. Thanks for your concern.