Monday, October 01, 2007

World church urges pullout from Iraq

Christianity's largest ecumenical movement said Monday that the US and its allies must settle their dispute over Iran's nuclear program through negotiation because the Middle East should not suffer another war "that is unlawful, immoral and ill-conceived." The World Council of Churches, which brings together about 350 Protestant, Orthodox, and other churches representing more than 560 million Christians, also urged the complete withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.

Yes, let's ensure that there aren't any more wars in the Middle East because we all know that the Bible says there will no more wars over there...except perhaps Armageddon (aka WWIII). Otherwise, let's have peace - duh!

Negotiate with someone who is waiting for his Imam al Mahdi to wipe out the big and little Satan (U.S. and Israel) ? Good luck with that. Ahmadinejad's lying - got it?! Man, are we in the West ever collectively gullible.

Iran threatens to retaliate by attacking 170 US targets

Assad: We reserve the right to respond to Israeli raid


JeepThang said...

Well.. not everyone in the West is gullible.. just the ones that are either in power or have the loudest voices / most influence.
Some of us have a pretty good idea whats up.

Endtime said...

Hey, I said "collectively gullible" :-)

You're right, those of us who believe the Bible don't believe Ahmadinejad, and don't believe that the Middle East will be peaceful any time soon. Unfortunately, the number of people who actually believe the Bible is becoming fewer and fewer.