Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama wants to be best buddies with Ahmadinejad
U.S. President Barack Obama sent Iran an unprecedented videotaped message on Friday offering a “new beginning” of diplomatic engagement after decades of U.S. hostility to the Islamic Republic.

Ahmadinejad is quoted as saying...
  • "[There is] no significant need for the United States."
  • "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury."
  • "Remove Israel before it is too late and save yourself from the fury of regional nations."
  • "The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land. As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map."
  • "If the West does not support Israel, this regime will be toppled. As it has lost its raison d' tre, Israel will be annihilated."
  • "Israel is a tyrannical regime that will one day will be destroyed."
  • "Israel is a rotten, dried tree that will be annihilated in one storm."
  • “relations with the United States are not a cure for our ills.”
  • “Iran is ready to transfer nuclear know-how to the Islamic countries due to their need.”
  • The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world.
  • “I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another’s hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours.”
  • ”O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the Promised One, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill this world with justice and peace.”

    And when he returned to Iran, he stated, “one of our group told me that when I started to say “In the name of God the almighty and merciful,” he saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura. I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink. … And they were rapt. It seemed as if a hand was holding them there and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic.”

Summary: Ahmadinejad is a nutbar bent on the destruction of God's chosen people.

The only God says that at a time after Israel's return from exile [which we know was May 14, 1948]...

Micah 4
11 Now many nations have gathered against you.
“Let her be desecrated,” they say.
“Let us see the destruction of Jerusalem.
12 But they do not know the Lord’s thoughts
or understand his plan.
These nations don’t know
that he is gathering them together
to be beaten and trampled
like sheaves of grain on a threshing floor.
13 “Rise up and crush the nations, O Jerusalem!”
says the Lord.
“For I will give you iron horns and bronze hooves,
so you can trample many nations to pieces.
You will present their stolen riches to the Lord,
their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.”

The end of all this is plainly obvious. The last enemies of Israel will be utterly destroyed. Is it wise for a professing Christian President to align himself with Iran?

Isaiah 46:
9 Remember the things I have done in the past.
For I alone am God!
I am God, and there is none like me.
10 Only I can tell you the future
before it even happens.
Everything I plan will come to pass,
for I do whatever I wish.

Our generation has a unique vantage point of God's handling of Israel over the last 2,500 years. Our generation is the first with an ablity to understand Daniel's prophesies. Problem is: few are taking the time to understand it.

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