Saturday, July 21, 2007

Report: Iran to provide Syria with $1b for new weapons
Iran will reportedly fund, at a price of $1 billion, new Syrian fighter jets, tanks, missiles against naval craft and will aid in Syria's nuclear and chemical weapons research programs. In return, Syrian President Bashar Assad has reportedly promised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to cease the pursuit of peace talks with Israel in exchange for Iranian support of Syrian interests in Lebanon.

Ahmadinejad: "Enemies will be burned"
Ahmadinejad welcomed what he called Hezbollah's victory over Israel during weeks of fighting a year ago, and called for a similar victory this summer.

MK: Iran-Syria deal similar to pre-Six Day and Yom Kippur war pacts
Knesset Member Arieh Eldad (National Union-NRP) said the reported military agreement between Iran and Syria is “reminiscent of the pacts that were signed on the eve of the Six Day and Yom Kippur wars”.
“The Iranian decision will lead to the launching of an attack on Israel from Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Iran,” he said.

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Ahmadinejad follows up Damascus talks with a council of war in Tehran Friday with Hizballah, Hamas and Jihadi Islami leaders


New_Beginning said...

Hi End_Times,
I'm off to Africa next week for two years. What a time to be heading out! Thank you for keeping up your posts. I read them every day. I have a very interesting dinner last night with a retired Senior CIA officer last night, he informed me that Saddam moved his WMDs to the Sudan, which came as a bit of a bombshell! He is currently investigating and once he has conclusive proof will let the world know.

The news, however, fits in very well with the cast of nations posed to gather for the Gog-Magog war.

Since I will be in Africa for the next two years, I plan to keep a watchful eye to the north and report on the spread of the Anti-Christ's religion to the south.

God Bless

Endtime said...

Hey, good to hear from you new_beginning! And thanks for the intel'. I always believed Saddam wasn't exactly squeaky clean when it came to WMD. A psycho like that was bound to be looking for more sinister means of death and destruction...good riddance. I believe Isaiah 13 "has occurred" to Saddam and is continuing in Iraq. I believe that will lead us right into The Day of the Lord.

Best of luck on your new posting and do drop me a line. I love to get perspectives from other geographic angles. I think we're definitely headed for a Gog-Magog type of showdown relatively soon, and the more I read Ezekiel 38-39 the more those chapters sound like Armageddon to me...which dauntingly means this age could wrap up soon. What an amazing thought!

God bless you too!