Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Putting it on the line

Interesting Jewish website predicting calamity coming to the U.S. within the next 28 days. Direct prophecies like this quickly separate the true from the false prophets. If nothing transpires by June 30, you know their entire website is false. It's interesting nonetheless. I was debating whether to even mention yet another doomsday prophecy here, but whether this one comes true or not, I think it is important, in our day, to be of the mindset that this age could come to an abrupt end for: one of us; a couple of us; or all of us.

The world certainly looks like Sodom and Gamorrah from here; are we deserving of more mercy than they were? [Only through belief in Jesus Christ] Eventually the Master will return to see what his servants have been up to.

The Prophecy:

Jews of America,
I beg you to realize that you are soon going to be in great danger. Start packing your bags and be ready as soon as you can...The judgment began 3 days before Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5769 [May 24, 2009] with a 30 day margin. Excluding a 3 day leeway till Rosh Chodesh Sivan, it can transpire as soon as tonight or in 7 days... the maximum amount of time it will occur is within 26 days! It will happen -- this is NOT a false alarm!!!!

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