Saturday, November 10, 2007

Israel and the Middle East are about to explode. God's patience won't last forever.

1 As God’s partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God’s kindness and then ignore it.
2 For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you.
On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:1-2 [emphasis mine]

Hamas Is Producing a New Generation of Palestinian Extra-Power, Extra-Range Missiles in Gaza and West Bank
DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose that stocks of the primitive Qassam missiles are low because Hamas has stopped making them and is now fully engaged in setting up the production of a new generation of missiles upgraded to a range of up to 25 km, armed with 3-kilo warheads - one-and a half times the range of the types in current use and more than double their explosive power - and greater accuracy.

The new missiles bring half a million Israelis within range of Hamas fire – a quarter of a million in the south and a similar number in Israel’s heartland north and south of Greater Tel Aviv. In the South, the new missiles can reach Kiryat Gat and the southern outskirts of the big port-town of Ashdod.

I think Joel 3:4 is speaking loudly to our generation. Tyre and Sidon are cities in Lebanon, and Philistia describes the territory of present day Gaza. Lebanon and Gaza are the two areas from which Hezb'allah and Hamas Islamic terrorist groups are attacking present day Israel. I'm thinking Joel 3:4 could be talking about the situation around Israel today. If that assumption is correct, then everyone who has eyes needs to desperately look at the subject matter of Joel chapters 2 and 3. They talk about the end of this age.

We're living in a time 40 years, or one generation after Israel recaptured Jerusalem, after 2,500 years of exile. Is today a significant time? Only God the Father knows for certain, but going into the peace conference at Annapolis, MD in the last week of this month, we should all keep our eyes wide open, and be on our knees in prayer for all the lost. The Annapolis conference agenda includes proposals to divide Jerusalem. Is God going to let that happen again?! I doubt it. Jerusalem was restored to Israeli rule in 1967, after the 6-Day War, as prophesied. Keep close watch to see what happens in Annapolis, Maryland in the last week of this month.

Completely plagiarized from Behold the Beast, but I don't think they'll mind. This is too important:
The majority misunderstand Daniel's "time, times, and half a time"

Click this link to learn what a "time" is. If a time is a thousand years:

2-1/2 "times" = 2500 years. And 2500 - 533 = 1967! The restoration of the Jews to, and end of the Gentile control of, the holy city, Jerusalem. The end of the "shattering the strength of the holy people". Daniel wrote chapter 12, verse 7 in 533BC (the 3rd year of Cyrus) - 2,500 years after that came one of the biggest, if not the biggest, events in Israel's history!

Is this a one trick pony? No!
In another of Daniel's dreams we find:

2. Daniel 7:1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, [and] told the sum of the matters.
You can Yahoo confirmation for the first year of Belshazzar to be 552 BC

Later in this dream we read:
Daniel 7:25 And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will oppress the high holy ones, and he will think to change the times and the law, and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time.

2500 - 552 = 1948 The restoration of the Jews to the holy land, declaring an independent Israel. End of the Jews being oppressed by he who speaks "words against the Most High", and being scattered among the "wilderness" of the nations.

For this to be a pair of parallel accidents, that each span 2500 years, would be a stastical absurdity. Blessedly there are many more problems that reinforce them. For open eyes these problems aptly demonstrate that it wasn't until after the dates of 1948 and 1967 had come to pass, and we entered this - Daniel's - "time of the end", that we could understand the solutions to these simple problems both mathematically and textually. What a perfect seal God had Daniel put on this book!
These "times" problems are covered in more depth at this link.

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