Thursday, January 01, 2009

Is Western Culture Deteriorating?

Paraphrased: 'All the precious things in life require commitment. Western society is gradually becoming a society without commitment to anything, and without commitment life becomes chaotic.'


jeri from SA said...

Hi End Time,

Hope you had a Blessed Christmas. Here is wishing you and your family a Happy and Christ Filled new year.

Yours in Christ

Endtime said...

Thanks Jeri. To you and yours as well.

Today we're forecast to get a temperature high of -26 degrees C (-15 F) so I'll be starting out my new year wrapped in a blanket, staying inside.

I'm guessing you're probably having better luck with the weather than we are. :)

jeri from SA said...

Hi End Time,

Yip, we are in the High 20's degree C to mid 30's. But the Weather has been very strange, with some areas having storms with floods, lightening and quiet a few deaths, you know Global Warming stuff!!!! Sorry...Global Climate Change or Global something or other, nothing to do with God or silly stuff like that?? We must ask Al Gore, maybe he can help us!!!!

Of course nothing happening in ME..

Have good One.

Yours in Christ