Wednesday, September 03, 2008

“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.
Luke 21:25

I'm not sure what the Bible means by the strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars, (there are many theories) but there is no doubt people today are perplexed by the roaring and tossing sea. With Israel back in her land effective 1948, which was exactly 2,500 years after Daniel prophesied it in 552 BC (the 1st year of Belshazzar), in Daniel 7:25 , there is no doubt that we live in a unique time in all human history.

Jerusalem is surrounded by her enemies. Israel's own leaders (Olmert and Livni) are reportedly negotiating Jerusalem and contemplating sharing it with the people who call themselves 'Palestinians'. Is God going to allow Jerusalem to be apportioned again? I seriously doubt it, and I certainly wouldn't be the one proposing it - Look at Ariel Sharon's condition after he gave up Gaza.

It's very strange how Israel's leaders think that negotiating with the Palestinians will ever achieve lasting peace. In reality, what we're seeing in Israel is a war that will only be won when Jesus Christ the Messiah comes to win it on Israel's behalf. Until then, things are going to look progressively worse and increasingly hopeless for the 'apple of God's eye'. But not to worry, it will only look hopeless from our severely-limited human perspective.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
, and pray that you are counted worthy to escape all that is about to happen.

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