Friday, March 28, 2008

Let me get this straight - Muslims threaten to kill Jews, Christians and infidels, and Christians are the ones persecuted under "hate crime laws"?

Dobson editing radio show to avoid 'hate crimes' laws - Mar 28, 2008

The Quran states: "O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers ... " (Sura 9:123).

The God of the Bible says: "Love your enemies."

The Quran states: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait (ambush) for them in every stratagem (of war)" (Sura 9:5).

The God of the Bible says: "Bless them that curse you."

The Quran states: "Fight those who believe not in God [Allah] and his apostle [Muhammad], nor acknowledge the religion of truth [even if they are] of the people of the book [i.e. Jews and Christians], until they pay jizya [humiliating tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued [enslaved]" (Sura 9:29).

The God of the Bible says: "Do good to them that hate you."

The Quran states: "Therefore when ye meet the unbelievers [in fight] smite at their necks; at length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly [on them]" (Sura 47:4).

The God of the Bible says: "Pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

So far YouTube hasn't crumbled to Muslim death threats. Here's the movie Fitna from their servers:


Anonymous said...

Check it:

Remember how the beast with two horns gives power to the first beast? See where men arrested were getting their funds from (Saudia Arabia)? Where does Saudia Arabia get its funds from (the West).

These nut American politicians are saying one thing and doing the opposite. They're right when they say Iran blah blah is a threat but their actions actually help Islamic terror. The right thing to do is not to go to war, because war makes money (for the elite and for the Middle East) and it fosters a unifying hatred. The beast is feeding the beast.

Endtime said...

That link times out every time I try it. I'll try it a little later to see if it works.

The right thing to do is not go to war, but humans have been warring with each other since Cain. And the war of all wars is guaranteed in the (possibly near) future. (Revelation 9 and 16)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the site seems to be down. The story was about 5 Bosnian Muslim men who had plans to blowup/attack a church or whatnot. They were caught with explosives etc. They were Wahhabis funded by Saudi Arabia [based groups].

I was just saying that Saudi in turn gets much of its wealth from the West (as well as arms). So this is how the 2nd beast gives power to the 1st whose wound is healed.