Monday, March 03, 2008

Egyptian ambulances help Hamas smuggle fighters and weapons into Gaza

'Hamas using US weapons against IDF'

Hamas says it captured thousands of M-16 and Kalashnikov rifles, and large supplies of ammunition during its weeklong conquest of Gaza. Hamas is also believed to have acquired weapons capable of penetrating armor and stockpiles of rocket-propelled grenades.


Dale Moguls I said...

endtime, have you been following the news on the economy?

Endtime said...

ha, ha - of course. How can you avoid it? The U.S. economy is news all over the world.

That's also why I moved my investments into cash, gold, and oil back in October. Not that I ultimately care what happens to my "investments", but I was reading about the adjustable rate mortgage fiasco last year. I think the world economies are in for a lot more "hurt" due to irresponsible lending in the U.S. I heard yesterday that, as an example, a third of some neighborhoods in Cleveland are in foreclosure. A THIRD!! Unbelievable!

I believe the U.S. is in a recession, possibly even headed for a depression. And the world's best customer may drag a good chunk of the world down with it. For example 80% of Canada's exports go to the U.S.

I liked what Billy Graham said in a sermon back in 1971 (it was on tv last night):

Paraphrased: God didn't put us on earth to pursue happiness and pleasure, and He didn't promise us continual happiness and pleasure if we follow Him. He put us on this earth to worship Him and fellowship with Him-that's it! It's not about our happiness, our pleasure- it's all about Him.

Today, in the U.S. mortgage chaos, we see the result of an unrestrained "pursuit of happiness".

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to come down on Americans - the whole secular, and some of the Christian, world is basically Sodom and Gomorrah in its pursuit of money and 'stuff'. The Catholic church is arguably the richest institution on earth - doesn't seem right.