Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Putin Turns His Face to Tehran, His Back to Bush and Sarkozy
Iran’s suspect nuclear program is further polarizing the big powers.

Satan visits America
Ahmadinejad's speech was filled with rhetoric, redirection, and just plain lies. Is the world better off now after the Columbia U speech? I still say this guy is a nutcase inspired by demons. I expect more of the same at his rant at the UN today. We can't forget that Ahmadinejad predicted the return of his Imam Mahdi (the 12th Imam) by the end of 2008. And (by the way) Ahmadinejad believes the 12th Imam will only return under conditions of world chaos. Then his Mahdi will return to wipe out the Big Satan and Little Satan; that's the U.S. and Israel respectively in Ahmadinejad's eyes. Boy won't he be unpleasantly surprised!

Conclusion: Ahmadinejad is our enemy, and we are going to war against Iran. This is more of the LBL, and Christians, at least, need to wake up to recognizing today's Revelation 13 LBL enemy, and compare it to Daniel's vision in Daniel chapter 7. It's awesome seeing Bible prophesy come alive in our day.

Iranian president spars with academics

Cheney seeks pretext for war as US reestablishes elite Air Force wing

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