Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Biblically speaking it's only going to become more chaotic around Israel

Obama Joins G-8 Allies Isolating Putin Over Assad
"President Barack Obama and European allies moved to further isolate Russian president Vladimir Putin for supporting the regime in Syria even as the leaders sought a way to push both sides in that nation’s civil war into talks."

Biblically speaking it's only going to become more chaotic around Israel
Syria is a difficult choice. Do you support an oppressive dictator, or do you support Islamic rebels who literally eat the heart of a Syrian soldier?

 Tough call. I have to agree with Sarah Palin on this one, and let the two major sides of the Religion of Peace fight it out amongst themselves - let Allah sort them out, and do what we can for the fleeing Syrian people. It will be interesting to see what Russia and the West do because there is no easy answer.

DEBKAfile: First European & NATO heavy arms for Syrian rebels. Russian reprisal expected
"The volume of the new arms airlift to the Syrian rebels may be estimated by the number of airfreight flights from Libya to Turkey:  27 aircraft landings were counted in the last few days, according to our intelligence sources."

I guess the West is continuing to support the spread of the Arab (Islamic) winter.

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