Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fort Hood Heroes Ignored in State of the Union Address:
"Obama did not mention the November 5, 2009 Fort Hood murders. Astonishingly, he did not introduce the two brave heroes who confronted and took down Nidal Hasan, as he brought down 13 soldiers and one unborn child. At least, going back to President Reagan, the First Lady's guests were always introduced. So they invited Officers Mark Todd and Kimberly Munley there for what...the pleasure of being in the same room with 'The One', and being graced with a seat next to the First Lady?"

UN climate chief Rajendra Pachauri 'got grants through bogus claims' - Times Online: "The chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has used bogus claims that Himalayan glaciers were melting to win grants worth hundreds of thousands of pounds"

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