Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm listening to CNN's "Compassion Forum-Faith and Politics" as I'm writing this. Now, I'm not anti-Obama, pro-Hillary, anti-Republican, or pro-Democrat - I'm a Canadian so I'm watching this forum with impartiality and no vested interest in what happens in this year's U.S. election. But I have to say listening to Barack speak is making me ill (fortunately, I didn't turn the tv on soon enough to hear Hillary, but I'm sure she said the same conflicted things).

How can a "Christian" support what Barack says he supports? In the 20 minutes that I've been watching, Obama has said:

  • I am a devout Christian
  • I believe abortion is a choice, and abortion is a personal choice between a girl/woman and her doctor and pastor. So nice of him to add the word 'Pastor' to that statement - it makes it sound 'almost religious'. Question: What kind of Christian presidential candidate would have a pro-choice/pro-death stance?
  • I believe God created the earth, but I also believe in evolution.
  • I don't believe God created the earth in 7 days (like the Bible says). They may not have been 24 hour days like we understand them.
  • I don't know what God's master plan is, and I don't think anyone does.
Ahhh, sounds like a stinking pile of poli-speak to me: trying to be everything (and anything) to every one. The forum was a lame attempt of the Democrats to reach out to America's evangelicals, but that's just my humble opinion from up here.

Thank God He is in control, and He has made His plans known to us through His holy word. Even the Democrats can't foil God's plans for this age. I wonder if Obama will get a chance to govern before Christ does? Perfect governance coming soon - when the Son shall rule.

Daniel 7:
13 As my vision continued that night, I saw someone like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient One and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal—it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed.

Golly, if I was a true Christian, presidential candidate, I would ask God for His wisdom and strive to follow His word to the letter - but that's just me, and that's why I'd never get elected in this evil generation.


Tom said...

I don't agree with you that the November elections don't affect you in Canada. I believe they do after all why else did you guy's end up in Iraq if not for what the U.S. help start. I know from listening to As It Happens you in Canada are just as upset with the way things are going as we down here, so I think this November will be the most important election we've had since Lincoln was elected back in Civil War day's.

Endtime said...

Canada isn't in Iraq, other than perhaps a dozen special forces that nobody is supposed to know about. We are in Afghanistan as part the NATO contingent.

I was just saying that I don't have a vested interest in who wins the U.S. election in November. I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't anti-Obama or pulling for Hillary. I'm as impartial as you're going to get in this world - I don't have a vote. And judging by the three leading contenders, you don't have much choice. Nobody is eager to please God or seek His will. Too bad, because a godly leader would be very good for America in the end times directly ahead.