Sunday, January 12, 2014

White House suggests Iran sanctions bill could draw U.S. into war
"WASHINGTON -- The White House launched a harsh attack on supporters of a Senate bill to impose fresh sanctions on Iran, suggesting that they have a hidden goal of drawing the country into another Mideast war.

If supporters “want the United States to take military action, they should be up front with the American people and say so,” Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said in a statement. “Otherwise, it’s not clear why any member of Congress would support a bill that possibly closes the door on diplomacy and makes it more likely that the United States will have to choose between military options or allowing Iran’s nuclear program to continue.”"

The Obama mis-administration is proceeding full bore in applying window dressing to the Iran negotiations. Every knowledgeable observer sees that the current negotiations are merely a ruse by Iran to get sanctions relief. Much of that relief will soon be delivered by Russia and China. Current sanctions have already broken apart and Iran has little need to cooperate in ongoing talks.

Plainly spoken: Iran's theocracy is nuts! The Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei would like nothing better than to cause world chaos to return his Al Mahdi to the earth in power, and with nuclear weapons to threaten Israel's existence, an extremely strategic overview of the Strait of Hormuz's oil shipments, a compliant Iranian population, and an unwillingness by the rest of the world to intervene in Iran's plans and instead they increase trade with Iran - there is little to stop Iran from fulfilling Ezekiel 38 and from bringing about the end of the age.

What's happening here? The end result was long ago predicted in the Bible -- Iran attacks Israel, or Israel first attacks Iran's nuclear facilities, and the whole Middle East will go up in flames and take the rest of the world with it. It will end this way:

Ezekiel 38 NLT:
"19 In my jealousy and blazing anger, I promise a mighty shaking in the land of Israel on that day. 20 All living things—the fish in the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals of the field, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the people on earth—will quake in terror at my presence. Mountains will be thrown down; cliffs will crumble; walls will fall to the earth. 21 I will summon the sword against you on all the hills of Israel, says the Sovereign Lord. Your men will turn their swords against each other. 22 I will punish you and your armies with disease and bloodshed; I will send torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur! 23 In this way, I will show my greatness and holiness, and I will make myself known to all the nations of the world. Then they will know that I am the Lord."

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