Saturday, September 07, 2013

Coming soon above Syria

Syria next week?
Possible scenario:

  • Obama makes his speech next Tuesday evening deciding to bypass the House and Senate in Congress because he knows he doesn't have a chance getting their approval.
  • America bombs Syria after the speech which will be Wednesday Sept 11th Syria time.
  • Syria, Iran, Russia, and Hezb'allah attack US targets.
  • Israel and US have a pretext to bomb Iran and its nuclear facilities.
  • WWIII rages on...?
The timing is just a wild guess, but I am convinced America will be going to war again in the Middle East soon, this time against Assad, Iran, and Russia.
Retired Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, former CIA director under President Barack Obama, called strongly Saturday for Congress to back the White House on Syria, declaring that military action against the regime is “necessary” to deter “Iran, North Korea and other would-be aggressors.

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