Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This cartoon is so old - El Baradei doesn't even run the IAEA anymore - but the UN is
still feverishly trying to stop Iran from attaining nuclear weapons...NOT!

This time the West is really, really angry... really.

Iran's acceleration of its nuclear program angers the west
"'This is a new violation of six security council resolutions and 10 resolutions by the council of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA].'

The British Foreign Office said the announcement "further undermines Iran's claim that its nuclear program is designed for purely peaceful purposes, and demonstrates the urgency of increasing pressure on Iran ... Iran must understand that we will not be distracted by events in the region and it should not doubt our resolve"."

Resolve? Resolve to do what? This is where the LBL Beast of Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran are taking us:

Revelation 16:
13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon [Revelation 12:9 says the dragon is satan], out of the mouth of the [Daniel 7 and the Revelation 13:2 LBL] beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet [I'm 99% sure this is referring to Mohammad and Islam]. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. 

15 “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.” 16 And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon. [my opinion inserted - thank you to Mr. Ellis H Skolfield!]

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