Saturday, May 21, 2011

Obama is an Agent for the LBL Beast of Islam
President breaks US promise and cedes the West Bank to the mythical Palestinians

Military-Strategic Aspects of West Bank Topography for Israel's Defense
...Incapacitating and overrunning the coastal plain would terminate Israel's very existence. This is the primary factor affecting the strategic importance of the West Bank for Israel from a military perspective. Another aspect of the strategic importance of the West Bank emanates from its role as a barrier protecting the vulnerable coastal plain from armed attack from the east. The West Bank mountain ridge may reach only 3,000 feet at its highest point, but to its east is the Jordan Rift Valley which is the lowest point on earth, dipping down to 1,200 feet below sea-level. This means that the West Bank mountain ridge forms a 4,200-foot barrier facing eastward that is relatively steep for an attacking ground force

Palestinians set on U.N. statehood bid in September - Yahoo! News
"Diplomats see majority support for the Palestinians in the U.N. General Assembly. But the statehood vote would have first to be approved in the Security Council, where the United States -- which insists on a negotiated Middle East peace -- has a veto.

'We urge President Obama to recognize the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders,' Shaath said. 'We are going to the United Nations in September, using all non-violent means.'"

Obama has already (foolishly) stated he supports the pre-67 borders. September will be very interesting. Is September Obama's deadline for Israel to negotiate its borders?

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