Monday, November 01, 2010

Bomb Plot Shows Key Role Played by Intelligence -
"In the middle of last week, a woman who claimed her name was Hanan al-Samawi, a 22-year-old engineering student, walked into the U.P.S. office in the upscale Hadda neighborhood of Sana, Yemen’s sprawling capital city. She displayed a photocopied identification card, and dropped off a bomb hidden inside a printer cartridge with a Chicago address listed as the package’s destination."


Kelly said...

These people are wicked. It's just very sad that our government doesn't see this little fact. I can't figure out if everyone is afraid of them or they actually believe they are correct. It truly is a world gone mad! Hope all is going well with you and yours. God Bless, dabunnie

Endtime said...

I'm hoping the Obama Administration and GOP know all about the Islamic threat, but are not saying anything against Islam because they don't want to start an outright religious war against 100 million radical Muslims (out of the total 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide). Lets face it - you print a cartoon depicting Mohammad these days and it almost starts WWIII.

Regardless of their silence, I think the West will eventually be in an overt war against Islam anyways. Islam hates us and wants to conquer us.