Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Puffington Post - Obama Mocks GOP's Health Care 'Armageddon' Claims: Six Months From Now 'You Can Check It Out, We'll Look Around'

In 3 to 6 months it could be Armageddon unrelated to American health care reform. I could see the God of Israel bringing it about because of Obamanation's taunts. Iran is primed - the world is completely asleep. It's perfect timing.

Joel 3

Judgment against Enemy Nations
1 “At the time of those events,” says the Lord,
“when I restore the prosperity of Judah and Jerusalem, [DONE!]
2 I will gather the armies of the world
into the valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will judge them
for harming my people, my special possession,
for scattering my people among the nations,
and for dividing up my land.

CIA: Iran capable of producing nukes - Washington Times: "'Iran continues to develop a range of capabilities that could be applied to producing nuclear weapons, if a decision is made to do so,'"


jeri from SA said...

Dear ET,

To you and your family may you have a blessed and happy Passover weekend.

Help people to remember what this long weekend is about, the sacrifice our Lord and Saviour made for us and our sins.

The time is short and our memories are shorter, so God bless.

Yours in Christ

Endtime said...

Thanks Jeri.

Just enjoying a bit of R&R with extended family.

Have a peaceful and meaningful Easter.