Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mystic Rabbi Foretold North Korea’s Nuclear Role in End-of-Days 22 Years Ago - Breaking Israel News

Mystic Rabbi Foretold North Korea’s Nuclear Role in End-of-Days 22 Years Ago

"When Rabbi Levi Sa’adia Nachamanii gave a speech in 1994, one month before he died, he surprisingly warned that of all the threats to Israel, North Korea posed the most danger."

An old story and I'm not sure about Jewish mysticism and all that, but nonetheless is should be mentioned that this Rabbi accurately predicted the 6-day war and Yom Kippur Wars. Most importantly he also predicted the War of Gog and Magog would be linked to Korea, and that Iran and Korea would be working together leading up to the Ezekiel 38-39 war. Astonishing? Yes! We're there? Yes!

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