Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Now I know what all the internment camps opening up around America are for. They'll be filled with baby-boomers and generation x and y'ers who thought that they would have a comfortable retirement:

Real budget deficit: $4 trillion
Economist says federal government 'bankrupt'
The real 2007 federal budget deficit was $4 trillion, not a previously reported $163 billion, an economist contends.

As an accountant, I can tell you that the government should be reporting future liabilities for social security and medicare, and not just reporting on a cash in/out basis. In other words, some of that cash coming in today is SUPPOSED to be for the social security and medicare of tomorrow.

Here's a video about where most Americans will soon be spending their retirement. The turnstiles are a nice touch in this abandoned rail yard, and the building with gas lines along the outside of the building hasn't been done since...Auschwitz (??)

I was searching for a National Debt Clock and found this very interesting website done by a fellow brother in Christ: Babylon Today

Rockets from Lebanon hit Israel
Landed undetected by Israeli security systems.

: Feared missile attack on presidential helicopter prompts last-minute changes in Bush’s scheduled arrival in Israel

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