Saturday, January 05, 2013

Something different - Washington: driving the US (and every other western economy) to financial ruin

Washington: Detached from reality
"That inconvenient truth called reality is something Americans badly need to connect with. If we want all this spending, pay for it. That means everyone. Let’s get the real numbers on the table and lets get out our checkbooks.

If you don’t want to pay, cut the spending."

Take away the world's biggest over-spending customer, and you have a major financial shock to every economy. I think there are parallels to consider in Revelation 18.

Revelation 18:
For all the nations have fallen
    because of the wine of her passionate immorality.
The kings of the world
    have committed adultery with her.
Because of her desires for extravagant luxury,
    the merchants of the world have grown rich.”


Anonymous said...

have you seen the latest hare-brained scheme? the $1T platinum coin? this is actually being mooted in serious fora.isn't there something in the bible about a wicked people intentionally believing a lie?

anyway, there used to be a concensus develope between the political parties when a truly important situation came up. but now the socialists know that collapse is imminent and they think they can control it. the republican grassroots knows something terrible is coming, but can't get it's leaders to understand it.

Anonymous said...

sorry,meant to signin under legal sodium.

Endtime said...

Hi there LS,

Happy New Year! Found your comments in my blog's "spam folder" - not sure why(?)

Yes I did hear about the coin. I'm pretty sure it doesn't change the fact that world economies are broken and capitalism is about to get it's 'chair legs' kicked out from under it. You try monkey business like that coin and economic confidence disappears.