Wednesday, September 09, 2009

How gang of fanatics planned Britain's 9/11
Lo and behold they're Muslim

A Call for New Resolve - Israel National News
It goes without saying that learning about peaceful movements and bloodless revolutions is intrinsically valuable and can help the people. A Gandhi or Martin Luther King type of resistance may indeed be useful, but that by itself does not work in a totalitarian state of Islamofascism. Not when Ayatollah Khamenei is getting his orders from 'Allah'.

Koran 8:60: "Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you may strike terror in the [hearts of the] enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you."

Iran is close to producing its first nuclear bomb - US diplomat

Didn't Obama threaten Iran with a September deadline or face tough sanctions? Why should Iran's Ahmadinejad take him seriously?


Tom said...

Hi ET, What a total and complete joke this thing with Iran is. We've been telling them year after year that we wouldn't stand for them having a N-bomb. Now they will have a bomb very shortly.

I heard the other day that if France had stood up to Hitler in 1935 (est.) there would not have been any WWII. But they didn't and nether did the UK in the 30's when it would have done some good .

Will we have a mess that ONLY Jesus Christ can solve. There is nobody apart from God who can straighten this thing out.

And even if you settle Iran, we have Christians dying every day in China, N Korea, Africa.

Come Lord Jesus, come!

Endtime said...

Hi there Tom,

"There is nobody apart from God who can straighten this thing out "

That's the key to the peace that every Christian possesses. Plus - we may not know exactly how these last days will play out, but we have some idea of who the major players are. Many generations must have felt the same way in the past, but our generation is the only one that has seen Israel reborn as a nation in 1948, and we are the generation that witnessed the end of Gentile control over Jerusalem after 2500 years.

So expect this world to really start falling apart, because the end of this age is near (or here). Christ is soon coming to wrap this whole thing up. The bride groom is coming - don't fall asleep now.
