Sunday, February 03, 2008

Shin Bet chief reports: Masses of high-quality weaponry, such as long-range rockets, roll into Gaza through the breached Sinai border
The domestic security agency’s director, Yuval Diskin, warned the Israeli cabinet Sunday, Feb. 3, that the Palestinians exploited the chaos on the Gaza-Sinai border to smuggle in quantities of long-range rockets, anti-tank and anti-air rockets and high explosives for missiles.

They financially bankrupt anyone in Canada speaking out against same-sex marriage. Certainly they can at least release the 'Human Rights Commission' against this cretin.

Dear Mr. Bush,

Please 'Guantanamo' this guy and throw away the key:
Killing Canadians the 'best way': student

Conservative Canadian stuck in a sanctimonious, liberal Canada.

Rory Leishman: Perversion of Human Rights

Amos 5:
12 For I know how many are your offenses
and how great your sins.
You oppress the righteous and take bribes
and you deprive the poor of justice in the courts.

13 Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times,
for the times are evil.


Anonymous said...

Hi Endtimem- quite a discussion going on at RR about the False Proghet. At my Bible Study on Daniel I'll have an opportunity to bring up the info....should be interesting.

Whats up with the 4 cables being cut?

I found the Talmud online but can't find the Zohar quotes we're looking for.


Anonymous said...

Entime- sorry, that discussion is at


Endtime said...

Hi Jamie,

Oh, you mean the internet under-sea cables. I had to google it to figure out what you were talking about - I've been at work all day, so I've been out of touch with the news.

I have no idea what this means, but reading that The Latter Days, the future is here site sure is interesting!! I've been reading it off/on for the last couple days and I'm finding it very interesting!

I will surf over to to see what's going on. Thanks.

jeri from SA said...

Hi Endtime,

Still playing catch up at Joel's site and the cave! Very interesting things happening and our brothers and sisters keep their heads firmly in the sand...

Why don't you guys just deport the idiot who is siting such dangerous comments, back to Bangladesh. There he can try and make a living and slander the west as much as he wants, but I wonder how he will feed his family? He came to your country as an imigrant and accepted your ways, now he wants to slander everything that has supported him and through democracy back at the govt face! He must go!!!

Anyway keep on keeping on.
Yours in Christ

Endtime said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa Jeri!!! You're getting way too upset. I live in Canada after all, where rapists, child molesters, murderers ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt and NEVER get the death penalty, and always get admittance to 'club fed' with free college tuition and many assorted perks. 'Probation within 4 years for all' is our motto - all else is undue hardship inflicted upon our finest, (tho' convicted) criminal population.

[insert sarcasm throughout the above]

I can remember a case where a child rapist and murderer, plea bargained her way to a under-2 year sentence by testifying against her accomplice ( a "worse" child molester and rapist -?). This world is so corrupt!!!!

Hence my Amos 5:12-13 quote. Soon justice will prevail. Until then: hide behind the blood of Christ.

Endtime said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa Jeri!!! You're getting way too upset. I live in Canada after all, where rapists, child molesters, murderers ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt and NEVER get the death penalty, and always get admittance to 'club fed' with free college tuition and many assorted perks. 'Probation within 4 years for all' is our motto - all else is undue hardship inflicted upon our finest, (tho' convicted) criminal population.

[insert sarcasm throughout the above]

I can remember a case where a child rapist and murderer, plea bargained her way to a under-2 year sentence by testifying against her accomplice ( a "worse" child molester and rapist -?). This world is so corrupt!!!!

Hence my Amos 5:12-13 quote. Soon justice will prevail. Until then: hide behind the blood of Christ.